images courtesy of Eufora

images courtesy of Eufora

images courtesy of Eufora

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Planet Friendly


Planet Friendly

As keepers of the planet for future generations, Bewley family values have established planet friendly practices for Eufora that prove you don’t have to compromise on quality to protect Mother Earth. Eufora encourages everyone to promote Good Global Karma by refilling and reusing whenever possible, and remember you can make an impact by upcycling and recycling – helping to reduce what goes into landfills.


Did you know that each year the
personal care industry produces 120
billion packages – most destined for
landfills? Eufora has committed to
reduce its’ “plastic footprint”
exponentially over the course of the
next two years. We are eliminating most
non-aerosol travel sizes which will
reduce our bottles in landfills by over
50%, and we are beginning the
conversion of our other plastic bottles to
a new material that is made from 95%
post-consumer waste.

Read More about the NEW Clean
Getaway refillable bottles.


Eufora Salons are encouraged
to become 100% sustainable by
partnering with Green Circle Salons to
collect, recycle and repurpose salon
waste. Salon guests can help by
choosing to visit salons that carry
the Green Circle Salon seal.

Make beauty beautiful!


#EuforaGreenTeam ensures responsible
choices in our building from eco-
friendly serve ware to reusable water
bottles and upcyling activities. Our
warehouse team is working to
implement eco-friendly packing and
shipping practices. Out in the
community our team members join in
planet-friendly activities such as beach
clean ups and neighborhood
improvements. You can become a
virtual team member…just look for our
activity posts and then plan something
similar in your own community!

images and content provided by Eufora